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Posted on: January 28th, 2019



於是當發現JobsRnR (,就覺得現在的人更幸運,除了傳統收寄履歷表外,有更靈活創新的平台!大家平日見到有合適的工作,自然會分享給親友看,而JobsRnR ( 像uber 和Airbnb一樣相信共享經濟,讓大家隨時隨地以WhatsApp、Facebook、WeChat等社交媒體分享連結,資訊得以迅速傳遞。更是香港首個賞金$$$推薦工作的網絡平台,肯定令人更有動力為身邊人留意與推薦,共享人脈資源,為企業和個人同時創造巨大價值。


HR之言:認受程度不及大學學位 初創企業較易接受

Posted on: January 15th, 2019


HR之言:認受程度不及大學學位 初創企業較易接受

【明報專訊】Tecky Academy一直與招聘平台JobsRnR合作,協助學生入行。JobsRnR董事總經理李宗興(Simon)說香港對IT人才的需求很大,因此Coding Bootcamp的畢業生要入行不難。但他不諱言課程的認受性在本地傳統企業眼中較低,「他們仍然主要考慮持相關大學學位的人,覺得bootcamp是公餘課程,很可能在人事部screen CV時已被篩走」。Simon補充,傳統人事部亦着重應徵者之前任職的公司是否同一行業,以此來判斷他們的經驗。相反,初創企業重視應徵者的能力,對學歷要求相對較低,因此亦會聘請Coding Bootcamp的畢業生。「面試時由Chief Technology Officer (首席技術主任)直接接見,他們主要都是看portfolio。」

JobsRnR除了有本地僱主,還有來自美國、中國內地及日本公司。記者以為內地企業處事較保守,Simon說他們的招聘態度比香港開放。「他們不會過分重視應徵者的學歷及背景,反而是先看性格。」內地起薪點低,是令不少香港人卻步的原因。不過Simon說其實只要「捱」三至四年,前景會更好。「內地機會多,容易跳槽,三四年就可升至Project Manager(項目經理),在香港未必會這麼快。」

JobsRnR將雇主、推薦人及人才聯結起來,組合成一個強而有力的平台去傳遞我們簡單的信念: 以更低的成本和更高的效率將雇主與合符要求且有才華的求職者聯繫起來。

JobsRnR可以為招聘過程中的所有相關人事提供即時資訊服務。使用JobsRnR的雇主可以即時從平台中收取被推薦的求職者資訊; 推薦人及求職者亦可以同步收取最新的求職階段進度。



6 Team-Building Activities That Are Perfect For Winter

Posted on: December 17th, 2018


Bonding with your coworkers is a crucial part of your work experience. After all, we mostly remember a job by the people we worked with. You spend a good portion of your time with your team, so having a good relationship with them is essential.

Although the daily operations of a business take priority, making time for team-building activities is important for keeping morale high and ensuring long-term success. Companies with limited resources may not make the investment in them at all, but they will pay off in employee engagement, team loyalty and productivity. As such, they are absolutely worth the investment—especially during the cold winter months.

After the holidays, you might experience what is known as the winter slump—a cold-induced lack of motivation or loss of interest in things. This is when it’s especially important to have high team morale, to make it through this form of seasonal depression. While we’re all more likely to go out in the summer (blame the inviting warm weather), there are just as many fun activities to do in the winter. If you’re on the hunt for creative new ways to  bond with your coworkers/team in the winter, these are just a few ideas:

a. Team up for a trivia night

Up for some healthy competition? Sign up for a trivia night! Find your coworkers’s common interests (whether it be history or science) and pick the game accordingly. It’s not only a fun way to test each other’s knowledge, but it’ll also call on your teamwork skills to take home some great prizes!

b. Slow down with a meditation class

Long day at the office? How about a meditation class to slow down, decompress and refocus? Find a local studio for the perfect afterwork stress-reliever! You will all come out refreshed, stress-free and balanced, and this will set the tone for the rest of the week!

c. Unleash your creativity with a hands-on class

Need a creative boost? Try a pottery or photography class—something new and out of your comfort zone to reignite that spark in your team. You’ll be glad you tried it, and even if it doesn’t directly apply to each person’s role, the overall creative effect will pay off in new ideas to level up at work.

d. Exercise, laugh hard and sing your heart out

Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Sweat it out at a workout class, sing it out at karaoke or laugh it away at a standup comedy show! Whichever choice you go for, you’ll make some new memories and have some fun stories to tell on Monday!

How To Develop More Emotionally Intelligent Employees

Posted on: August 6th, 2018

960x0In the quest to develop leaders who will foster a culture of equity and inclusion in the workplace, a critical factor to assess is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as our ability to recognize our emotions as well as the emotions of other people. Individuals who are high in EI are able to recognize the emotions of others and are able to convey and regulate their own emotions. Leaders who are highly self-aware and cognizant of emotional cues are better able to understand others, therefore they are better able to foster an equitable and inclusive workplace. What can organizations do to ensure that leaders are high in EI?

First, there must be the acknowledgment of the importance and value of emotional intelligence. Currently, EI is not generally a trait that is measured or analyzed in job applicants. Incorporating an EI test into the hiring and selection process can help companies recognize which individuals are high in EI. But understandably, implementing an EI measure into the selection process may take time and resources. A more viable solution for some organizations is to create ways to develop the EI of employees within the organization and particularly organizational leadership.

Daniel Goleman, who popularized the term emotional intelligence, indicates that EI is teachable and there are several ways that individuals can increase their emotional intelligence. How can EI training and development be implemented in your organization?

1. Current employees can analyze their levels of EI via several tests available online. Prior to any sort of training, employees should have an understanding of their EI levels. Without a clear understanding of EI levels, it is difficult to assess how much progress has been made.

2. After you gain an understanding of what the EI levels within the organizon are, there are a few tactics that can be integrated into the organization to increase EI levels:

Emotionally intelligent individuals are more effective and successful leaders. In order to foster a productive, inclusive and equitable workplace, it is critical that organizations seek out individuals who are high in EI and strategies should also be developed to increase the EI of each employee.

An Asian bankers’ guide to schmoozing mega rich millennials

Posted on: June 14th, 2018


Couple Shopping

Private bankers in Singapore and Hong Kong need to urgently adapt how they work in order to better serve high-net-worth (HNW) millennial clients. The potential upsides are huge if bankers can win more business from young millionaires across Asia. An estimated $4 trillion of HNW wealth is expected to be passed down to the next generation globally over the next decade.

But becoming a banker to millennials requires a change of mindset, especially if you’re from an older generation yourself. Here are some of the main factors to consider when you’re trying to build relationships with millennials.


Is it true that millennials lack loyalty? Are they more likely to switch banks than older generations are? Or has the landscape in private banking changed so significantly that they are simply being offered with more choice of firms to bank with? The research is mixed, but much of it actually shows that millennials can potentially be loyal and powerful advocates for relationships that are particularly meaningful to them.

Millennials tend to seek validation when they select their bankers and rely on their social networks to tell them whether or not they’re making the right choice. They also demand personalisation and transparency, and have a tendency to switch banks if a banker’s delivery falls below expectations. But I don’t necessarily think this shows a lack of loyalty to their bankers.

In fact, many millennials will engage very directly with bankers, as long as bankers win their trust first. The key to doing this is to be bespoke and unique. When it comes to investments, for example, traditional asset classes such as equity and fixed income are no longer particularly attractive to younger people.

“The new generation of HNWs in Asia has very different needs when it comes to investments,” one Swiss private banker, who is currently serving a few HNWs in their late 20s and early 30s, told me recently. “While their parents are looking for good investment returns, the young HNWs are looking for unique investments – such as private-equity and socially-responsible investments – that are more aligned to their interests. So you have to find out what their wider interests actually are,” he added.

You might also want to tone down your sales spiel when you next chat to a wealthy 20-something. “They expect straight, down-to-earth talk, not a sales pitch from a banker who’s looking to score a big commission,” an Asia-based private banker told me at a recent roundtable discussion held by my company.

When it comes to giving them investment advice, millennials often want to further their knowledge of finance, rather than get a lecture about the basics. They grew up in the internet era, with easy access to financial information, so they most likely already possess a certain level of financial expertise. Their need for a deeper understanding means private bankers should use clear and consistent language, and be transparent about the benefits and risks of a particular product, and how it specifically meets their investment requirements.

As digital natives, millennial HNWs also have much higher expectations of price transparency. Although they may not be the most price-sensitive group, price transparency is a critical factor in earning their trust. All fees should be reasonable and fair, and (most importantly) made clear. If they don’t understand the price structure of a product you’re proposing, this could be a major barrier to you increasing your bank’s share of their wallet.

Team work

Even if you’re not serving many millennial clients right now, you will be soon, so don’t wait until the millennials take over their family businesses to adapt your strategy. My company’s research shows that many millennial HNWs are considering leaving their parents’ or grandparents’ private bankers. To help counter this trend, it’s essential for private banks to put in place a structured team approach, which serves not only the current (older) generation, but also engages the upcoming millennial generation within the client’s family.

These teams should not just comprise of investment advisors, but should also include younger private bankers, appointed to serve the millennials in the family. A private-banking team that understands the needs and preferences of both current clients and their heirs stands a better chance of inspiring trust and confidence in clients, naturally leading to a continuous relationship.

But whether it’s a fear of losing control of their clients or a lack of willingness to jump into an entirely new advisory model, many private bankers in Asia are still shying away from adopting this team-based approach.

Some are beginning to see the writing on the wall, however. “One key challenge I face today is that many of my bankers are nearing retirement age and there’s a risk that clients may switch to another bank when they do retire,” the market head of an Asian private bank told me. “I need to make sure there’s proper succession planning internally, to transfer the client relationships from retiring bankers to younger bankers.”

At the end of the day, we all know that there’s no one-size-fit-all solution to retain the next generation of Asian wealth. The overriding idea, however, is to have the right people in place to facilitate the communication that is relevant to millennial clients. Not many private banks are currently getting this communication right, but hopefully this article will serve as a reminder that such change is a necessary evil to ensure longstanding client relationships that span across generations.

Sean Kang is the director of the Asia Pacific wealth management practice for Scorpio Partnership and McLagan (business units of Aon). He is based in Singapore and provides advice to financial institutions in the region. Soo Khang, an intern consultant for Scorpio Partnership, also contributed to this article by providing her perspectives as a millennial.

How to introduce yourself at your new job – 4 easy tips

Posted on: June 1st, 2018


The fastest route to awkward early relationships with colleagues at work is a botched first introduction.

Taking the time to plan out an appropriate, confident self-introduction can help to impress management, warm your new colleagues up and form lasting friendships.

Here’s how to introduce yourself in a new job and some extra steps you can take to ensure an easy transition.

1. Perfect an introduction speech about yourself before your first day

Even if an introductory email has been sent to the company, having a great introduction speech under your belt can help to fend off first day nerves.

The night before your first day, take a minute to think about how you’d like to come across and how this will impact the way you introduce yourself to new colleagues. Take your cue from the environment you’ll be transitioning into. Are they more relaxed or more formal?

Tailor your approach to suit the company style, remembering to include your name, job title and where you worked previously.

You may also be asked to give some background information on your career and to share your hobbies or interests, so have some examples prepared!

2. Get ahead with a seating chart or organisation chart

Many businesses provide organisation charts or seating plans along with their welcome literature.

Be sure to keep a copy close to hand, so you can link names to faces easily and can locate where each team sits within the office.

If you didn’t receive one, try requesting a copy from HR—they’re worth their weight in gold!

3. Request a team introduction

Did you find yourself plopped down at your desk without the offer of a proper introduction?

You shouldn’t be afraid to ask for one—grab a quiet minute with your manager and ask to be properly introduced to the team.

Where possible, it’s better to meet each colleague one by one. This eliminates any future awkwardness and gives you a chance to repeatedly practice how to introduce yourself to a new team.

4. Extend your introductions to other teams

You’ll be working with other teams and employees at some point during your tenure, so get things off on the right foot by going out of your way to meet everyone.

You can ask to be formally introduced to the various teams related to your role or take it upon yourself to make the introductions.

It’s also a good idea to be friendly and forthcoming with everyone you meet—you never know who you might be talking to!

Extra tips for how to introduce yourself

Don’t be afraid to ask for names

You’ll have enough to remember on your first day, without having to worry about people’s names, too. If someone’s name has slipped your memory, don’t be afraid to ask them again—they might have forgotten yours too!

Shake hands and use ‘open’ body language

Your body language says a lot about your character and how you feel at any given moment. The same is true of meeting people for the first time.

Avoid crossing your arms or putting your hands on your hips and opt for a friendly handshake and some eye contact to show you’re receptive and approachable.

Choosing Between Job Offers

Posted on: May 15th, 2018


Permanent or temporary?

It appears obvious to conclude that a permanent job is ‘better’ than a brief one, and it certainly does have advantages. You won’t have to be on the job market again in only a couple of years. You will have an opportunity to become completely integrated into one department unlike temporary staff who are often left feeling like ‘outsiders’ because they do not take a full part in the life of the department. As a permanent staff member you usually get more benefits such as a pension scheme and often have a lighter teaching load, at least for the first few years. However, if it seems better in other respects, do not immediately turn down a temporary employment.

Job description

The fundamental thing to consider when choosing between two jobs is which one will leave you more fulfilled? Taking a job for more money or for security is an understandable choice, but if you end up unhappy because you hate the chosen job and you start looking for work soon again anyway, why not pick the job that you would enjoy doing? Questions to ask when considering this include: are you looking to challenge yourself and move into something new? Or would you prefer to take the safer option, the one that builds on current strengths and is more familiar to you? Is this a career building move or are you simply desperate to have any job?


Academics very often cannot be selective when it comes to location of work. They have to be prepared to move a long way from friends and family, or do very long commutes. However, for some people (like Emma) location is a key factor. She had a bad experience working in an isolated, quiet campus environment and did not want to repeat that. Others may really dislike the thought of big city universities. Starting a new occupation will give you a new lifestyle and the ‘whole package’ must be considered, not simply what you will be doing during your hours of work.

Personal circumstances

There are other reasons why a full time permanent position might not be suitable for you, perhaps due to family commitments or because you want to sample academia first before committing yourself to a lifetime of work. Depending on your household situation, you may not want or need a permanent position.

But what about the future? Work-life issues

Many people advise against turning down a permanent position at the moment because the job market is so uncertain. As an individual job seeker you need to weigh up your need for a secure future against other factors such as job satisfaction and achieving a work-life balance. A permanent job might mean that you can fulfill certain dreams (such as buying a house or getting married), whereas it might also trap you into a lifestyle that you are not ready for or do not want.

4 Tips to Sharpen Your Resume

Posted on: February 21st, 2018

Source: Talent International

Whether you’re trying to enter the workplace for the first time or want to get a new position in your field, you’re going to need a sharp resume. Although potential employers will assess you on more than one piece of paper, your resume is a great way to get your foot in the door for an interview.

That said, it’s easy to be overwhelmed when you’re putting a resume together. Here are four easy tips for how to write a resume.

1. Make it legible
It’s usually a good idea to stay on the basic end of things. Try a sans-serif font such as Calibri, or a standard one like Times New Roman. The most important thing is that you select a font that won’t distract the reader from the content on the page.

2. Organize carefully
There are two common ways to organize your resume. The majority of resumes follow a reverse chronological order, so list your most recent job first. This organization is beneficial because it shows employers you’ve been hired consecutively by organizations. If you’re in a field that requires a resume more similar in structure to a portfolio, you can organize items on your resume by their relevance to the job you’re applying for or by highest to lowest quality. Either way, be sure that your resume tells your professional story in a way that gives you well-deserved recognition.

3. Focus on the key information
The most important things on your resume will probably be your level of education coupled with the relevant experience you’ve had in your field. Make sure both of these pieces of information (especially the relevant work experience) are the primary features of the page. If you’re a recent graduate or have been awarded a high-level degree, your education should be near the top. Do a little research to find out whether the positions you’re applying for require you to list your GPA as well.

4. Don’t waste space
While it is nice to know what you do as a hobby or what type of volunteer work you’ve completed, resumes should be focused on giving potential employers tangible reasons to hire you. Although it was probably a positive experience, listing your two-year stint as a Scout in primary school probably won’t impact your performance in a job today. Do your best to remove any fluff from your resume.

3 Tips for Successful Interviewing

Posted on: January 24th, 2018

Source: JobDig

It can be a nerve-wrecking prospect to think about your impending job interview. What will you say? How will you dress? These are all questions you may run through your mind before ever meeting the prospective employer. But while interviews can be intimidating, they don’t have to be feared – especially if you come equipped with the right knowledge. So let’s look at three tips that can help you place the job you want in the palm of your hands.

Tip #1: Conduct Practice Q&A Sessions
Before you ever set foot on the property of your prospective employer, it is important that you mentally prepare for the challenge. Being that you’ve never interviewed before, it may seem impossible to prepare for the unknown. But luckily for you, there are bound to be some individuals in your life who have been on job interviews. So give them a job of helping you prepare.

A good way to start your preparation is by first conducting some research on the company you are attracted in working for. After you’ve learned the company’s overall mission, what they look for in employees, and most importantly, what they want in the hiring position, you can give this information to your helper. Then he or she can compose interview questions, have you show up for the mock interview in full attire, and ask the questions so that you can begin to feel comfortable with the process.

Tip #2: Dress for Success
This is probably one of the more important aspects of interviewing for any position, no matter how casual you think it might be. The prospective employer wants to confirm how serious you are about the job, something that is partially accomplished by dressing up in business attire for the interview.

While this may seem to be common sense to some, there are many newcomers to the world of interviewing who show up wearing khaki pants or low-cut tops. So if you already knew that wearing a business suit is the way to go, good job. But if you were just about to walk out of the door in your T-shirt and khakis, you may want to go change your clothes.

Tip #3: Speak from the Heart
Starting off in your practice Q&A session, and eventually transitioning into your actual interview, it is important that you place personal value on your decision to apply for the job. If you go into the interview thinking that you won’t like the job, the interviewer might sense the apprehension and pass you up for the position. However, if you come in genuinely excited about the position, it will be much easier for you to find the right words to express that enthusiasm.

If you follow these three tips, you’ll be that much closer to securing the job of your dreams. So practice with your Q&A session, go buy a suit that makes you feel comfortable, and go to the interview with great passion. You’ll see that your budding confidence in your interviewing skills will skyrocket in time for your very first interview.

5 Ways You Can Stay Open for Job Opportunities

Posted on: November 30th, 2017

Source: JobsDB

Job Opp

Employed but interested in knowing the available career opportunities out there? Even when you’re not too keen on looking for a new job right now, it still pays to be updated on job market developments in your field. So what should you do to keep yourself on hirers ‘radars and be discovered for available jobs?
Because it’s good practice to stay updated and open for chances, we’ve decided to put together this helpful guide to keep yourself visible for great job opportunities. Follow our tips below and get your name in the spotlight!
1. Join networking opportunities that come your way
There are a ton of ways to get your name out there, and networking is the best way to go about it. Thanks to the internet, it’s easy to find events and organizations that’ll help you meet and greet the industry movers in your chosen industries. You can even get in touch with these people, or with like-minded folk who can connect you to opportunities by joining online forums or social media groups. Just remember to present yourself well, mind your manners, and be friendly! Kind words and a sincere smile will go a long way in these settings.

2. Hone your skills and keep them fresh
You say you want to be attractive to hirers and headhunters – the best way to get noticed is to have the most sought-after skills in the job market. Enrolling in classes, whether for full degrees or short courses, is one. You can also learn on your own by reading books, going online, or by joining workshops. You should take any chance to help you develop your skills, not just for the career opportunities it opens you up to, but do it also for your self-fulfillment and personal growth.

3. Keep abreast on industry and job market news
Interested in climbing up your industry’s corporate ladder? You need to be on the lookout for the trends and happenings in your chosen field. Preparation is the key to success in life, and the same rule applies here. Keep an eye out for movements in the industry or job market so you can plan out your strategy and stay ahead of the competition. The internet is a great venue for this, but traditional media like print publications and broadcast news are valuable sources too.

4. Go beyond expectations at work
You don’t even have to go far to start your quest. By doing your work right and exceeding expectations at your job, you’re already sending out the right signals that perhaps you’re due for great things in your career. Make it a point to deliver what is asked of you, and even go the extra mile if you can. Your higher ups will appreciate your effort and would keep in handy during evaluation time. Translation: You might find yourself getting promoted, or perhaps earn rave reviews and recommendations!

5. Keep your profile open and updated
Whether you’re happily content with your current job, or on the lookout for a new one, it always pays to keep your online profile updated. The same rule applies too for your physical resume and social media profiles. It signals to hirers that you are ready and open to new career opportunities. What’s great about keeping your profile fresh on our site is that we’ve configured our system to show potential employers the latest and newly-updated profiles first, so that every candidate, whether monitoring, active or passive, are easier to spot. Remember also to keep your profiles open or searchable, and update your contact details so that you can be easily contacted by recruiters.

Surviving the job market takes more than doing good work. Having the right skills, experience and connections will open you up to so many wonderful job opportunities. Add to that a great personality, confidence and guts to actually go out there, and you’ll see a fruitful and fulfilling career path waiting for you to explore. Good luck!