Archive for June, 2016

Healthy Eating at Work

Posted on: June 27th, 2016



Did you know that the food you eat can affect your mood and behavior? Have you ever wonder what can keep you stay energetic beside from a cup of coffee every morning? Below are some general dieting tips you could follow to stay healthy and fresh.

High Fiber Breakfast
There is a saying of “eating breakfast like a king…”, but this does not mean eating everything you can. In fact, you have to be smart to choose something that can give you both the energy and nutrients for the day. Food that has a high fiber value is recommended. It. gives you power to function. For example, Chia Seeds is a good option as it is high in fiber as well as protein.

Veggie Lunch
After the fibrous breakfast, it is time to get some vitamins and minerals to your body. Fill at least half of your plates with vegetables. You could include some protein in your lunch such as adding legumes or pumpkin seeds to your meal. This can boost up your energy for the afternoon. However, avoid consuming sugar, white flour bread and cakes.

Nuts for teatime
When it comes to teatime, people tend to think of chocolate bars, pastry cakes and savory food. However, these are all high in fat and it can make you sleepy. Nuts such as cashews, almonds and hazelnuts are the best snacks for the afternoon. They are healthy and rich in protein. However, if you are not a nut lover, then apples, pears and avocados are all equally good too.

Finally, make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. Water is very important as it keeps you hydrated. However, if water is too plain, you could substitute it to green tea. Green tea is very healthy as it has less caffeine and it provides anti-oxidant benefits. Therefore, remember to eat smart to heighten your work efficiency.

General Suggestions For When You Enter The Workforce

Posted on: June 23rd, 2016



Imperfect is Perfect 
Sometimes, you may think that the best employees are people who do not make mistakes, but in fact employers do not always look for perfectionists. They search for candidates who are competent in their work and are able to go through the ups and downs of their career. Therefore, in interviews, you should talk about some of the difficulties that you have faced and the steps taken to overcome them. This way, interviewers know that you are able to solve problems, and it shows a sincere you.

State some Facts and Figures
“Good team work” and “excellent leadership skills” are words that amaze employers. They see potential in people who can be a leader. Include some facts and figures in your CV to show that how you have impacted the previous company’s sales. This strategy will enhance your probability of getting into the job market.

Be Sociable 
Excellent interpersonal skills in the workforce are crucial. It reduces a great amount of office gossips because being talkative and friendly can often impress the employers. It also helps to receive a good reference letter from your employers in the future. However, remember not to be arrogant as relationships can go downhill with this characteristic.

Learning is a Charm
Last but not least, employers love people who like to get out of their comfort zones to accept challenges. Show your future employer that you are eager to learn, have an ambitious mindset, and a positive attitude of not being afraid to fail.

10 advice from successful people in the world

Posted on: June 20th, 2016



So, what are your plans after years of studying? Feeling lost and pressured from your family? Below are 10 advice from successful people all over the world. Just remember that we are all unique individuals and we shall not compare ourselves with the others. Just follow your passion and a successful future is waiting for you.

1. Warren Buffett (Expert in investment): Imitate your idol

“You should learn to change your habits by imitating the behaviors of the person who you admire. This way you can gain the skills that they have”.

2. Melanie Whelan (CEO of SoulCycle): Just do something and work hard

“After graduating, do not over think of what jobs you should apply for. Instead, you should be open minded and try all sorts of jobs. Just be hard working and be proactive. Do not get trapped with the mindset of what should you do. The word “should” can limit your paths and development”.

3. Alexa von Tobel (Founder of LearnVest): Do not ask questions that can be answered by Google

“Dress tidy. Be punctual. Be smart. Do not ask questions that can be answered by Google”.

4. Brian Chesky (CEO of Airbnb): Follow your own heart

“Although families are the most important people in your life, do not blindly always follow their wish. Follow your own passion and do what you love”.

5. Dr. Phil McGraw (American Psychologist): Withstand the criticism

“When you choose a job, as long as you are able to withstand people’s criticism, you will be fine”.

6. Eric Schmidt (Chairman of Goggle): Say Yes to everything

“Do not hide yourself. Learn to say yes by going to more events, to make more new friends, and to learn new knowledge”.

7. Marla Malcolm Beck (Founder of Bluemercury): The best is yet to come

“Nobody works in the same job for a lifetime. You should find your passion because this can lead to an outstanding performance. Don’t worry about the time it takes, you are still young”.

8. Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft): Do not over think

“Do not over think with all the problems you encounter. Treat all the challenges and problems in a calm attitude”.

9. J.K. Rowling (Author of Harry Potter): Do not be afraid of failure

“Failure is a gift. People who are successful have experienced failure at some point of their lives”.

10. Richard Branson (Founder of Virgin Group): Look ahead into the future

“Do not waste time looking at the past, you should move on and focus on the journey ahead. Enjoy the future and you will ultimately reach your goal”.


Posted on: June 15th, 2016

資料來源: 東方日報


求職者每當見工時,是否常碰釘 ? 未認清公司的要求是否合適自己或此工作對自己有否興趣 ? 認清自己在那方面強項,及對相關的工作有否強烈的推動力、熱誠和激情。如找對工作,激情便是令他更加投入工作中,從而發揮自己的潛能,去面對不同的挑戰。求職者應好好利用它的優點,展示自己對工作的熱誠。

著名社交網站Twitter(推特)行政總裁杜斯在一次演講中表示,他面試求職者時,總會問一個問題:「你為甚麼要來這裏?(Why are you here?)」

每間公司在招聘人手的時候,都希望找到心儀的員工。 所以這間公司便訂下原則,求職者必須對申請的職份有熱誠,否則久而久之便成了一名僱工,欠缺動力,更談不上要求自己進步;反之,對工作有熱誠者會不斷探求可發展之處,多留心,多思考,因為這是他喜歡的工作,所以那些常抱著正面態度及了解公司需要的人才是公司所需的人材。


Posted on: June 2nd, 2016

資料來源: 立場新聞




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