Archive for October, 2016


Posted on: October 31st, 2016

來源: Topick

在找工作的時候,有沒有發現到招聘廣告最下方要求求職者把CV或 Resume 電郵至公司?CV是不是就等於Resume?如果你這樣想就大錯特錯,最近有英語機構「英語島」指出了它們的不同之處:

CV (Curriculum Vitae) 和Résumé中文都被翻譯作履歷,但其實CV只是Résumé的其中一種。於英國、紐西蘭、愛爾蘭會使用CV一詞;至於澳洲、印度、南非,CV等於Résumé。但美國較為特別,Résumé和CV是指不一樣的文件。





Posted on: October 26th, 2016

來源: Topick


1. 破窗理論:不看輕每一件事

2. 墨非定律:凡事做好打算

3. 刺蝟法則:保持距離,互相尊重

4 Ways A Bad Workplace Environment Affect Us

Posted on: October 25th, 2016

Source: Jobsdb

  1. Culture of complaint
    We complain of many things in workplace. We complain of the facilities, welfare, working hours, and company hierarchy. While complaints vent our anger every now and then, too many complaints create an energy-draining working environment. They do not promote team spirit or sense of responsibility. Even worse this negative attitude easily spreads across the office and assimilates everyone. As part of the company, you are likely to be affected.
  2. Distrust between colleagues
    Confidence is one of the difficult thing to build in workplace. Even you are put in a group everyone comes with individual agenda. When personal interest is put before group’s, it is likely that backstabbing becomes a common practice. Distrust not only increases work stress, but also drags down productivity.
  3. Controlling practice
    In some companies parenting-supervision is a standard management measure. Employees are closely monitored and assessed almost every second. Perhaps it is practiced to raise workers’ concentration on work, but it also generates a lot of self-doubt. Long-term speaking it is not a good way to benefit the company and employees themselves.
  4. Low respect
    Being respected is a key way to boost working morale. If you are a leader showing low respect to your subordinates is not going to gain their royalty. Especially in the traditional Asia culture ‘face’ is an inseparable entity to our dignity. Lack of mutual respect in workplace is the fastest way killing a company.


Posted on: October 24th, 2016

來源: Job Market

Thumbs up的圖片搜尋結果


  1. 表現自己要把握機會
  2. 百分百投入工作
  3. 降低期望
  4. 真情流露不造作
  5. 適度表現才智

十月後 ─ 每年找工作的好時機

Posted on: October 20th, 2016

來源: Forbes

Hire Me的圖片搜尋結果


  1. 大多數公司人事部每年都有一筆預算用作聘請新員工,到年尾時尚有餘額,公司有可能會在來年裁減預算。所以為了保住這筆預算,每年到達十月,人事部都希望有新人加入。
  2. 如果你在等待新年後才找新工作,你的進度將會被拖延。現在就開始尋找有興趣、更適合自己的新工作,有機會在十二月或一月的時間就可以開始上班。
  3. 當接近假期時,聘請員工的優先次序將會被推後,而且管理層聘請新人時需要面試,多數會被安排在假期完結後才獲處理。
  4. 假設現在把握現在將履歷給需要人才的僱主,於十月和十一月的時間,你的申請可能會更快被處理。但一旦新年過後,你的申請就可能流入千萬求職信當中,遲遲沒有動態。
  5. 最後,大部人都在繁忙的年末中渡過身心疲累。在新年前如果找到新工作,你將會對來年的新發展充滿期望,身心狀況亦會變得更好!


Posted on: October 17th, 2016

來源: jobmarket







It’s Never Easy To Start A Business

Posted on: October 14th, 2016

Source: Forbes

Every successful entrepreneur sacrifices plenty of things on the way to his maturely developed business. You may dream big, but there is no way for anyone to start a business while still sitting on the comfy feathery couch. Sacrifice is not easy to make, and it usually involves the most valuable things to you.

When you start a business, the biggest sacrifice you make will be the time you spend on entertainment. You do not have time to hit the bars or chill out with friends as usual, or go to gym and work out as you always do. For anyone who have kids, you do not see them so often even if you so desperately want to hang out with them as some sorts of family activities. In fact, some unfortunate entrepreneurs lose their spouses and children since they find no way to build a bond with their family. At the beginning of the business you are so busy working on all the contracts and partnerships with people in the same line. Your schedule is so tightly packed with meetings that you do not even have time to get relaxed.

While it may scare you, quite a number of entrepreneurs overcame the harsh period with the support and understanding from family and friends. Most importantly, they are perseverant to what they were doing. So if you want to test yourself to be a business builder, get prepared for possible sacrifices.


Posted on: October 13th, 2016

來源: Jobsdb

在美國科學促進會年度會議上,美國萊斯大學計算工程學教授Moshe Vardi指出,電腦將於30年內取代人類的大部份工作。30年看似非常久遠的未來,事實上已經有不少工作逐漸被機械人取代。相關行業人士有沒有衝動轉行,還是覺得自己更能勝任?

1. 電話推銷員
早在2013年,美國醫療保險公司自稱用Samantha West、能與人對答的推銷電話系統,找到有興趣的顧客就會自動轉駁至真人推銷員處理。當記者問到她是否機械人,更會以笑聲堅持自己是真人。

2. 記者

3. 地產經理

4. 櫃檯接待員及查詢人員

5. 看更

Every Success Starts With A Small Opportunity

Posted on: October 12th, 2016

Source: Jobsdb

Many fresh graduates’ ideal job is to work in a big corporation. Positions in The big four and international banks are dream jobs of many new job seekers. While the large corporations provide seemingly high starting salary, they may not be an ideal place to get yourselves a honed skill set. Big does not mean good all the time. Some smart candidates already reach out to mid-enterprises or even startups to get valuable experiences. There are several reasons for you to consider your first career in small to medium enterprises (SMEs).

1. Expand your acquaintances
Every member in SME is a core asset to the company. They collaborate a lot on different projects and build a strong relationship, sometimes even on a personal level. While in large corporations you may not know the name of your neighbor colleague on your last day.

2. Work closely with upper management
You will have chances working very closely with the boss, who is also a member of the projects you are working on. You get yourselves familiar with the workflow, plans, approval of projects. It enriches your insights.

3. Reviewing own performance instantly
Small company staff have instant feedback on their performance, which is almost impossible in large corporations. You are not just a role filler for the company, but a crucial staff who goes through every bit of action. It is easy to get affirmation from colleagues, and you feel yourselves truly do something valuable.


Posted on: October 11th, 2016

來源: Jobsdb

最近,一知名網上搵工平台公佈,Google, 港鐵, Apple 是頭三間最受港人歡迎的公司。作為頭三唯一一間本地公司,港鐵以優越的津貼和福利突為而出。


以上因素可歸納為僱主品牌(employer branding),即給予大眾的第一印象。


全球企業均日益重視僱主品牌的建立。國際顧問機構Employer Brand International就僱主品牌向19個國家和地區過千間企業進行調查,發現去年有65%的企業對僱主品牌項目的投資成本有上升趨勢。同時,建立僱主品牌亦有助令員工對公司的投入程度提升,亦提升對應徵者的吸引力。由此可見,良好僱主品牌與企業成就之間有重要聯繫。