Archive for January, 2017


Posted on: January 25th, 2017

Source: Jobsdb


每篇招聘廣告均不約而同地要求有意應徵的求職者,於CV上訂明現時及期望薪酬(expected salary)。有求職者將薪金水平訂得過高,顯得不自量力,平白錯過面試機會;亦有求職者為了早日跳槽,不惜自壓身價,結果錯失合理待遇。



1)       列出期望的範圍


2)       只列出概括數字


3)       自由工作者(freelancer)可以「收入不定,月薪面議」作交代。


4)       若預計招聘企業開出的金額可能低於目前薪金,求職者不妨先說明目前薪金水平,並強調「凡事可商量」。



– 別自貶身價。

– 謹記,將所有福利羅列出來,包括雙糧、花紅、超時補水,證明索價合理。

– 籠總、「大路」的薪金要求,有助表現出求職者的彈性並保留議價空間。除非僱主要求,否則不必列出你的期望薪酬。

– 事前參考最新求職市場薪酬趨勢,按學歷背景、經驗與技能作調整。

Why HR should start to make the most of their data?

Posted on: January 23rd, 2017

Source: Jobsdb 


Many businesses are now using their data to find useful insights into their business, but are HR departments making the most of what they’ve got?

HR teams have a vast amount of data at their disposal. Drawing insights from this data can help to better understand its own workforce and drive positive business change. For example, data can show you what drives employee performance, when an employee is about to leave and how HR contributes to an organization’s objectives.

The 2000 has perceived a digital revolution where companies began to learn more about their customers. It was predicted at the time that there would also be a great evolution for HR, but the journey has only just begun for most HR departments. The potentials and opportunities that data can provide is quite exciting. For instance, being able to recognize when a valued member of staff is thinking about leaving is an extremely valuable tool for businesses.

Why have HR departments yet to utilize the data available to them? It could be the result of ever changing technology. The speed at which it changes means by the time a system is functional, it could already be out of date. Also, the vast number of tools and amount of data can seem daunting and leave many businesses asking themselves where to begin.

Technology does advance so quickly that it’s significant to start small before deciding which direction to head in and which areas you wish to learn about first. Instead of implementing a large system and connecting all departments, it’s better to find out the basics first by using the data you already have available and begin to explore from there.

4 top job skills hirers look for in a candidate

Posted on: January 19th, 2017

Source: Jobsdb


Different jobs require certain skills and expertise, but recruitment and hiring managers will always be on the lookout for general job skills. Here are some of the top job skills that can help you land your dream job, no matter which industry it is in.


In a time where technology is constantly evolving, almost every industry uses the computer or a similar tool to run their business. It is significant for job hunters to keep up with the latest technical advancements, rather than just using your computer to log in to Facebook.

Improve your tech expertise by joining short courses or by reading trends from the internet. Participate in online forums or attend training sessions and seminars to learn about new and emerging technologies. Your chances of getting a job offer will get better if you have a good grasp of how you can use different technologies to get the job done.

Communication skills

The ability to express your opinions and ideas through words is an essential job skill in any industry. Knowing how to verbalize what you want, what you need, and what you demand to achieve will give you a leg up in the job market.

One of the best ways to improve your communication skills is reading. The internet literally has millions of articles you can use to help advance this skill. You can also read newspaper every day to keep up to date. Combine this with constant practice and you will be able to fine-tune your communication skills to perfection.

Skills in customer service or public relations

Client relationship and customer satisfaction are the life force of any business. Retail, hospitality, and manufacturing businesses all need people with outstanding skills in customer service and public relations. If you can participate clients in a conversation and provide brilliant service to customers, you will be more valuable to potential employers. Customer service and PR skills go hand in hand. Advance these skills by growing your personal network and honing your listening skills.

Leadership and adaptability

Having a “take-charge” attitude and being adaptable is a plus for any employers. True, these two are more attitude than skills, but they are both something you can hone through training. Leadership and adaptability work well together as they fuel your desire to hone your existing job skills.
The job market is all about being the best. Make your job application more attractive to potential employers by possessing the job skills they look for in an applicant. Ramp up your job search efforts and work on developing these skills, and you will have an easier time getting the job you want in any industry you choose.

「離職原因」 助你面試順利

Posted on: January 16th, 2017

來源: CTgoodjobs

多 對 多 面試的圖片搜尋結果


1. 洞悉潛台詞

2. 從實招來

3. 避重就輕

4. 轉移視線

5. 保持正面

6. 切忌表現︰
– 工作表現欠佳
– 懶惰
– 意氣用事
– 經常跳槽
– 對工作缺乏承擔


How To Negotiate A Pay Raise

Posted on: January 13th, 2017

Source: Jobsdb

Pay Raise的圖片搜尋結果

If you are trying to negotiate a pay raise, be prepared to prove your value.

These advice is to help you maximize your chances of getting a pay rise in your next salary assessment:


Posted on: January 11th, 2017

來源: Jobsdb



1. 每年一度事業回顧

2. 擴大社交圈子

3. 學習一項新技能

4. 克服工作上的畏懼

5. 保持更新自己的履歷和網上Profile








Posted on: January 9th, 2017

來源: Jobsdb



輸入工作經驗時,Roles and responsibilities(工作職責),有沒有因為怕麻煩而省略不填呢?其實,只寫出在哪裡工作了多久,是無法突顯你與其他數百名求其職者有甚麼分別的。應藉此機會,詳述你為僱主作出過甚麼貢獻和成績,讓未來僱主知道你的能力。

  1. 未來僱主不會有太多時間細閱你的Profile,因此文字必須簡潔、清晰地包含四個重點:工作職責、當中所應用的技能、怎樣從中發揮自己的強項、作出了甚麼貢獻和成績。
  2. 應挑選對心儀工作有用的技能和強項來寫,不太重要的雜務工作可以省略。
  3. 敍述日常職務時,應使用一些較強力和肯定的動詞,如「developed」、「organised」、等。不應重覆使用同一個詞語,讓內容顯得單調。
  4. 找出幾個心儀工作的招聘廣告,挑選一些與工作內容和要求相關的關鍵字,合併到工作職責中,以增加這些僱主認定你是適合人選的機會。
  5. 儘可能以實際數字證明你的工作成就,如:「Increased monthly sales by 40%…」。
  6. 每份工作解說宜總結三至四個重點,以簡短的段落或列點形式說明。

4 Tips On How To Quit Your Job Friendly

Posted on: January 5th, 2017

Source: Jobsdb


Moving to a new position is not unusual in today’s workplace. A study by MetLife found that more than one-third of employees hoped to change jobs within 12 months. There are some tips that can apply to anyone who try to move on to a new position:

1. Let people know
Obviously, your boss knows, but you need to communicate or email your employees, colleagues, clients, and customers. It is important to maintain a relationship between you and your friends/potential clients.

2. Thank people
Make a special effort to thank the people who have gone out of their way for you. One departing employee can take his office manager to lunch as a special thank you.

3. Don’t burn your bridges
No matter how long you have fantasized about telling your boss off – don’t do it. It might make you feel great for 10 seconds, but later you probably would feel bad about it. And the only thing you would accomplish would be to lose a reference. Also, do not post any nasty comments on Facebook.

4. Make the transition easy for your replacement
Be as up-to-date as you can. Leave detailed notes. If possible, introduce the person replacing you to the key people with whom he or she will be working.

Adapting Yourself To An Robotic Workplace

Posted on: January 4th, 2017

Source: Jobsdb

robot hand and human hand的圖片搜尋結果


The introduction of robotics and automated workforce is impacting the world of work, but there is no reason to worry about your job. We are starting to see robots in workplaces as diverse as assembly lines like the self-service checkouts in supermarkets, but with this change comes an opportunity to create and adapt existing jobs as the workforce evolves.

A number of news stories about the impact robotics is expected to have on the workforce, many of them predicting how many jobs will be lost. The University of Oxford claimed that over 10 million jobs would be lost to computers within the next 20 years.

But what many overlook is the fact that new technology will also create new roles. It’s equally important to remember that there is no substitute for the human touch. Soft skills are extremely important and are not to be undervalued in commercial.

There are so many skills that humans have that robots simply cannot learn. For instance, a robot will never be an innovative and collaborative problem solver that can share creative ideas. You also cannot automate human instinct, which is crucial to a lot of roles.

Rather than fearing the advancement of technology, people should see it as a tool that will enable us all to work better in our roles. It should help us to be more efficient.


Posted on: January 3rd, 2017

來源: ctgoodjobs



1)      專注內容

2)      認清對方意圖

3)      展開對話

4)      勇於嘗試

5)      要求更多

6)      心存感激