Archive for February, 2017


Posted on: February 28th, 2017

來源: CT goodjobs


1. 無時無刻準備好講故事
2. 展現好奇心

3. 練習良好姿勢

4. 停止擔心別人的想法

5. 消除負面的自我對話


6. 微笑

7. 從錯誤中學習

8. 掌握公開演說

9. 參加課程

6 Steps To Enhance Your Employability

Posted on: February 23rd, 2017

Source: JobsDB

Want to make sure you can always find a job? Then know what makes you attractive to employers and continuously enhance your employ-ability.

Having the right attitude and enthusiasm for your job is just one step in the process. There are six steps you can take to ensure you can always find a job. These include:

1. Keep your CV up to date
If your CV is poorly presented or badly written, you’re going to have trouble getting the job you want – or even an interview. So, keep it up to date and include examples of how you have contributed to your employer’s workplace.

2. Create a 30-second introduction
Whether you are looking for a new position now or sometime in the future, your 30 second introduction is a significant tool as it produces the first impression. Information should include your name, the type of position you seek specifically, your skills and strengths and background or accomplishments.

3. Maintain the right attitude
Positive actions and words can help build confidence that you are doing what you can to ensure that you will always be working.

4. Identify macro trends
Keep on top of industry trends so you can make informed decisions about your training and development. A macro trend is one that is widespread and will continue for a long time. For example, the aging of populations in developed countries. Having the right skills at the right time ensures that you will be employable and in demand.

5. Network regularly
Professional networking is very important, both in person and through social media. Attending company events and gatherings is important. And make sure you connect with a reputable recruiter who can help advance your career.

6. Develop your skills
If your company offers opportunities for professional development classes take advantage of as many as you can. This way, your technical skills will be at the highest level. You could also seek out an opportunity outside of work, maybe through a course, a seminar or workshop, or a volunteer opportunity, in order to learn something that enhances your existing skills or builds new ones.

The 4 Keys to a Great Interview

Posted on: February 20th, 2017

Source: U.S. News

“nursing interview”的图片搜索结果

A perfect interview may help you to get your desirable position. Your interview performance generally affect the consideration of HR manager. Here are four tips for job hunters seeking interview success:

  1. Know the cast of characters
    Thinking of your interviewers, you may need prepare by researching each person. Check out their LinkedIn profiles, search for them on News, and do a general research on google.
    With this knowledge, figure out the interest in the position for which you are interviewing, and what they likely ask in the interview. Be prepared to discuss how you have worked in similar roles and to demonstrate how you achieve their needs.
  2. Be thoughtful
    Take the interview conversation beyond the content of your resume and the company’s job description. Know your own story that you can bring up examples to address the concerns. Do not just say that you can do the job, but rather tell your knowledge/experience can help you to cope with the new environment.
  3. Be passionate
    Sometimes you will interview for a job because you are passionate about the specific work you would do. It is important to display an emotional connection to your desirable position, to show that a job is not just a paycheck but your career. Show your passion for bringing great value to your new job and make a difference for your employer.
  4. Dress for success
    You’ve hear this advice repeatedly. Dressing up appropriately! These days, there is no one “right way” to dress for an interview. It is a matter of context. For instance, If you’re interviewing for a high-powered Wall Street position, you will be laughed out of the room if you show up in business casual, no matter how well you might perform the job.

A job interview is more that showing that you can not only do the work essential to a job, but also fit into the organization’s culture/value. When you do this, you take a large step to your own success as well.

No Job Interviews? Here’s What You May Be Doing Wrong

Posted on: February 16th, 2017

Source: The Guardian

Even when vacancies are booming, there are three types of jobseeker who will always have a harder time getting work. Are you one? Don’t fear – there is some suggestion for you can do with your CV to ensure you get an interview.

The job hopper
Hiring the wrong person is an expensive mistake, so comprehensibly recruiters are wary of applicants who seem to changing jobs easily.

At the same time, frequent job hopping has become common. A current survey showed that over 90 percent of millennials expect to stay in a job less than three years. So how can a job hopper stop employers sighted them as a risk?

You need to focus on what you gained from the experiences. The benefit of job hopping is that workers are more skillful at doing different work and are regularly adding to their skill sets. So it makes sense to write a CV focused on your skill set and accomplishments. Use facts and figures to show that you created value for past employers. For instance: “acquired major clients generating an increase of X amount in yearly revenue”. If you can do that, the recruiter can imagine you creating the same perceptible value for them, cancelling out the risk factor.

The long-term unemployed
The long-term unemployed – jobseekers who have been unemployed for more than a year. Once you’ve been out of a job for some time, it becomes more difficult to find work. If you’ve not quite hit the six-month mark, find something to fill you CV, be it freelance work or volunteering.

If you’ve been unemployed for longer than six months, there are ways to make yourself more employable. Alongside volunteering, try a less conventional approach to job-hunting: contact hiring managers directly by phone or email. It’s also significant to optimize your LinkedIn profile and get in touch with people in your professional network.

The overqualified job seeker
While it is tempting to assume that being overqualified is a virtuous thing, that’s not always the case. Recruiters may make some disorganized assumptions like the candidate wants more money or is likely to leave for better offer.

Hiring managers need to know that you understand the job on offer, and that requires an explanation. Perhaps you’re choosing less responsibility for a better work-life balance, or you want to go back to what you were doing before a promotion. Whatever the reason, it’s best explained. Your cover letter is the perfect place for this sort of information. A CV summary can also help you say where you are, where you’re going, and how that will help your new employer.

Whatever is holding you back, you can always upgrade your CV. And, above all, tailor your CV to match the job, instead of sending generic CVs to many different employers.

Workplace Toxicity: 5 Ways It Affects You

Posted on: February 10th, 2017

Source: JobsDB



A toxic workplace (a negative work environment) will bring out the worst in you. Most of us have been there at some point in our lives. It’s not healthy, and it’s not good for you if it’s affecting you emotionally and mentally. And despite what some might think, you always have a choice.

If you’re not happy at work, it’s important to examine the reasons behind that and do something about it. Is it because of a undesirable work environment?

Let’s look at 5 common ways workplace toxicity can affect you.

1. Energy
It’s human nature to complain, but too much of it can create negative energy in a workplace. Do you find your colleagues complaining a lot but not doing anything constructive to solve the problem?

When a problem arises, is there direct finger-pointing and blame-shifting happening? While it’s not uncommon in big organizations, it’s a culture that breeds toxic work environments. Besides being counter-productive, it doesn’t promote team-spirit or accountability, both of which are important values of an empowered workforce.

When one is constantly exposed to negative energy, it’s hard not to be affected. If you find yourself feeling distrustful and critical of your job and the persons you work with, there’s a good chance you’re not in a conducive environment.

2. Team Spirit
Do your colleagues work together to achieve a common goal, or do they seem to have individual agendas? Is backstabbing a common occurrence in your workplace? If yes, you probably don’t have a high level of trust in your colleagues and superiors.

A lack of team spirit is just as bad for the company as it is for its employees. We learn and produce much better as a community than we do in isolation.

3. Management
Does your boss encourage you to work independently, or do you find him/her breathing down your neck every step of the way? If it’s the latter, we feel for you.

Working in a regulatory environment increases one’s self-loathing and erodes confidence over time. Being micromanaged is never a good thing if you value personal and professional growth.

4. Camaraderie
As human beings, most of us need to connect with like-minded people. It’s why social media is a big part of our lives. We enjoy social interactions. We spend on average, a minimum of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, at work. Bonding with our colleagues improves our productivity and keeps us motivated.

5. Respect
Respect is one of the key characteristics of a healthy working environment. Guidance that fails to inspire respect will inevitably fail to retain talent. Similarly, a lack of respect between co-workers will likely breed conflict and animosity. All of which contribute to a toxic workplace.

You won’t be able to find a perfect office where everyone is in perfect agreement – diversity is an important attribute of a progressive company after all. That said, minimizing the drama and negativity should be a focus of the company culture. If you’ve raised your concerns but haven’t seen any noticeable improvements, and it’s affecting your mental and emotional well-being, perhaps it’s time to move on.

Avoiding the Wrong Career Path

Posted on: February 9th, 2017

Source: JobsDB

Top 10 Ways to Find Your Career Path

Have you ever asked yourself if the career you have chosen is right for you? It is surprisingly easy, through pressure or simply by chance, to take the incorrect path. That’s why people turn out to be teachers when they should have become accountants and vice versa. Sadly, such people suffer from a sustained lack of self-actualization in their work, never feel successful, and always sense that their skills could be applied more excellently elsewhere.
The most important thing to understand is that you are in control. In some cases, this starts at an early age when family and teachers recognize and encourage your capacities and interests and help to steer you on a path that will fulfil your destiny. This will usually dictate your choice of tertiary study; your career path is mapped out ahead of you and you move steadily forward.

But many people aren’t so fortunate. They fall into a degree by accident or because it was what their best friend did. They graduate with little understanding of the job prospects available to them and none the wiser as to what they really want to do.
Self-assessment should be a continuous process. You should periodically re-evaluate yourself to ensure you are not involved in a role for which you are clearly unsuited. At this stage, you should also make a list of things that you do well.

Next, find out more about the career you want to pursue and take time to define some faithful objectives that will help you achieve your goal. For example, a change of career may not only require that you gain experiences, it might also require you to gain more vocational experience or even voluntary work to show that your determination and commitment is genuine.

While guidance and advice from your parents and friends may be useful, you should make sure you are not turning other’s dreams into your own. You should have a clear sense of what you want to do. Figure out who you are and recognize your strengths and weaknesses.

And don’t be tempted to just “follow the money”. You might think that you are prepared to do anything if the salary is high and the perks include a attractive bonus, only to discover that the level of commitment you are expected to give is too great. If the role becomes seriously stressful and impacts on your work-life balance you will soon dislike the job so much that you must leave.

Finally, careers don’t always follow a smooth path from university to retirement. You may stay in your field, but it is just as likely that you will have two or three distinct careers in your lifetime – particularly if you have opted for periodic self-assessment. Remember that it is never too late to change, even if you feel you are too old to switch careers or that your professional life has reached a plateau.

寫CV 八大禁忌

Posted on: February 3rd, 2017

Source: CTgoodjobs


1. 荒謬工作目標

2. 不相關工作經驗

3. 「非成就」的成就

4. 奇離嗜好

5. 私人瓜葛

6. 幼稚電郵地址

7. 個人私隱

8. 取巧亮點