Workplace Toxicity: 5 Ways It Affects You

Posted on: February 10th, 2017

Source: JobsDB



A toxic workplace (a negative work environment) will bring out the worst in you. Most of us have been there at some point in our lives. It’s not healthy, and it’s not good for you if it’s affecting you emotionally and mentally. And despite what some might think, you always have a choice.

If you’re not happy at work, it’s important to examine the reasons behind that and do something about it. Is it because of a undesirable work environment?

Let’s look at 5 common ways workplace toxicity can affect you.

1. Energy
It’s human nature to complain, but too much of it can create negative energy in a workplace. Do you find your colleagues complaining a lot but not doing anything constructive to solve the problem?

When a problem arises, is there direct finger-pointing and blame-shifting happening? While it’s not uncommon in big organizations, it’s a culture that breeds toxic work environments. Besides being counter-productive, it doesn’t promote team-spirit or accountability, both of which are important values of an empowered workforce.

When one is constantly exposed to negative energy, it’s hard not to be affected. If you find yourself feeling distrustful and critical of your job and the persons you work with, there’s a good chance you’re not in a conducive environment.

2. Team Spirit
Do your colleagues work together to achieve a common goal, or do they seem to have individual agendas? Is backstabbing a common occurrence in your workplace? If yes, you probably don’t have a high level of trust in your colleagues and superiors.

A lack of team spirit is just as bad for the company as it is for its employees. We learn and produce much better as a community than we do in isolation.

3. Management
Does your boss encourage you to work independently, or do you find him/her breathing down your neck every step of the way? If it’s the latter, we feel for you.

Working in a regulatory environment increases one’s self-loathing and erodes confidence over time. Being micromanaged is never a good thing if you value personal and professional growth.

4. Camaraderie
As human beings, most of us need to connect with like-minded people. It’s why social media is a big part of our lives. We enjoy social interactions. We spend on average, a minimum of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, at work. Bonding with our colleagues improves our productivity and keeps us motivated.

5. Respect
Respect is one of the key characteristics of a healthy working environment. Guidance that fails to inspire respect will inevitably fail to retain talent. Similarly, a lack of respect between co-workers will likely breed conflict and animosity. All of which contribute to a toxic workplace.

You won’t be able to find a perfect office where everyone is in perfect agreement – diversity is an important attribute of a progressive company after all. That said, minimizing the drama and negativity should be a focus of the company culture. If you’ve raised your concerns but haven’t seen any noticeable improvements, and it’s affecting your mental and emotional well-being, perhaps it’s time to move on.